Reflection on 2nd Class

I have known about wikis for awhile but I have never used one in my classroom. I can see how to use one. I teach social studies for 8th graders and we do a lot of projects. I have trouble anytime I have kids do a group project because of attendance issues or if groups need to meet outside of class. I can see how wikis can solve some of these headaches.

I created a diigo account today. I decided to go with diigo instead of delicious because delicious needed me to create a yahoo email account and I already have five email accounts and I do not want to add anymore than I have to. I can see myself using this tool because I have two different laptops that I use consistently. Now I can see my "favorites" at either computer. I can see how I can use this in class. I can bookmark certain sites that are credible that I would like my students use for projects or research.

I also learned what RSS meant (really simple syndication). I knew very little about RSS but now I realize how I can manage it from my google reader. I like this because now I don't always have to look at some of the blogs that I follow just to see if there is a new post. Now I will see when an update is posted. And I added this link to my blog so that I can share the important postings/articles that I think others can benefit from.


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