Last Few Days of School and I am Sad

Last year at this time, I was sad because I realized that there were some kids in my class that I didn't really know. They sat quietly, turned things in on time, and never complained. I realized that some kids are easy to connect with because they work on it just as much as I do, while others shy away from it. Aren't these students the ones I should be working harder to connect with?

This year I made connecting with my students a much higher priority. We only have two and a half days left in school and I am sad again. This year is different though -- I am sad because they are leaving. My wonderful students are heading to high school and I don't want to let them go. I worked very hard this year to make connections with all of my students. I had them write me letters to introduce themselves (no parameters), I take evaluations and feedback on my lessons from them (because who else could tell me if the lesson was effective), and I presented opportunities for them to share their honest opinions in a safe environment. This year I am happy to say that I can tell you something about EVERY student I have. I know who likes soccer, who plays an instrument, and who has siblings that drive them nuts. I showed up at their sporting events, choir/band concerts and their dances (well I have to be at the dances - I put them on). I have really enjoyed getting to know my students and I am looking forward to getting to know next year's students.


  1. It sounds like you had a successful year. Your post caused me to reflect on if I knew something about each student in my classroom. I decided that yes, I knew them but I am not sure that they really knew me. That saddens me and I need to figure out how to make next year better- but isn't what we always do?


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